AJAX Technology
You may find in markets many metal detectors in different shapes, brands and technologies, but most of them do not have high quality, efficiency, ease of use, accurate results or may users may face difficulty in carrying and navigate as well, therefore search and prospecting is useless.
Based on the above, AJAX detection technology has manufactured a set of Metal Detector & groundwater detector and Gold Detector based on scientific, technical and experienced engineering team with high expertise and competencies represented by the following departments.

Scientific Research and Development (SRD)
It is the first established department to carry out the tasks of scientific research and development and provide valuable scientific ideas based on previous experiences in the field of manufacturing and development of metal detectors and groundwater.
The SRD team is responsible for studying all types of soil and studying the response of all types of soil with detection systems of all their characteristics and how to deal with them, The SRD team also studies the errors and defects of various types of devices in markets to avoid them.
Therefore, the SRD Department to provide all the problems and solutions to other departments so as to be taken into consideration and avoided.
The R&D department represents a group of engineers and experts in geology, soil and metal sciences, etc..
Engineering Design
The Department of Engineering Design is one of the most important sections of Ajax which consists of two sections: Electronic Engineering Design Department and Mechanical Engineering Design Department.
The team of electronic engineering design designs all the electronic panels based on the strongest engineering design programs in the world, in contrast, the Department of Mechanical Engineering Design designs the exterior of the devices to suit all prospectors and treasure hunters around the world with a smooth shapes, easy to use, carry and move.
This department is represented by a set of engineers, technicians, treasure hunters and prospectors with high experience in this field so that all devices are checked and audited individually.
Accordingly, the device goes through several stages of examination and checkup, the first stage is to examine and check the device by the electronic and programming engineers so as to ensure the work and effectiveness of all functions of the device and that the software is without any problems, and then the device moves to treasure hunters and prospectors to do real practical experiments on the ground to ensure the efficiency of the systems of the device and the accuracy of its results AJAX considers this department as the most important department in the company
AJAX attracted a group of the best electronic and programming engineers from around the world to complete all electronic and programming needs like electronic panel planting and programming, and to provide the best programs that allow the user to deal with Ajax products with complete ease and high efficiency and guaranteed results and accurate.
Technical Production
A group of technicians in different majors with high expertise and competencies to complete all technical works under the supervision and follow-up of the engineering and scientific research and development departments where all the devices in this section are completed and completed And all devices will be ready to be checked and tested by our quality control department.
Design and Advertising Production
Ajax has a very sophisticated team with expertise and high competencies in the design of all promotional materials such as educational and promotional videos, a professional photography team and a design team for images, brochures and catalogs to support the marketing and sales operations of Ajax distributors and partners.
Sales & Technical Support
AJAX relies on a specialized sales team and a technical support team to solve customer problems, if any, during the official working hours of AJAX from Monday to Saturday from 09:00 am to 19:00 pm.
AJAX’s sales and technical support team speaks several languages to satisfy our customers.